Elmwood Park Zoo offers unique programs for the community including senior citizen groups, business conferences and other events.Bring the zoo to you with a Zoo-On-Wheels program that they won’t soon forget! Our education department will travel to your facility with unique artifacts and animals from our ambassador collection to create a unique level of mental stimulation. Zoo-On-Wheels is great for any time of year!
To book your community program, fill out the form at the bottom of the page, or Contact the Education Department at 610.277.3825 x235 or education@elmwoodparkzoo.org .
Program Pricing
• 50 minutes for $400, up to 50 people
• 30 minutes for $375, up to 50 people
• $50 for an additional 50 people
A flat milage rate will be charged:
• $15 for 0-10 miles
• $25 for 10-25 miles
• $35 for 26-50 miles
• $55 for 51-95 miles
If a gap between programs is over 20 minutes, there is a $25 charge. The gap can not exceed 40 minutes.
Additional charge for programs outside general business hours (9am – 5pm) – $25