Zoo School Live – Episode 3



Learn about Sydney the blue-tongued skink from our amazing educator Marisa as we continue our Zoo School Live! And don't forget to visit the zoo's Facebook page every weekday at 11am for another great educational video with an interactive Q&A!


What type of animal is Sydney the blue-tongued skink?

For what purpose does a skink mainly use its tongue?

How many different types of skink live in Pennsylvania?

Where do blue-tongued skinks, like Sydney, live?

Although Sydney can be a little picky, blue-tongued skinks will eat just about anything! What type of eater does this make Sydney

Although Sydney has legs, he generally moves around like what other kind of animal?


We learned a lot of great words with Sydney the blue-tongued skink! Can you find the words listed below? Use your mouse as a highlighter by clicking and dragging it across the word!
