Zoo School Live – Episode 4



Learn about Zeppelin the eastern screech owl from our amazing educator Laura as we continue our Zoo School Live! And don't forget to visit the zoo's Facebook page every weekday at 11am for another great educational video with an interactive Q&A!


Camouflage is an adaptation that helps animals stay hidden. What colors and patterns does Zeppelin's camouflage mimic?

In addition to camouflage, Zeppelin stays hidden by being as quiet as he can. What special adaptation helps him to do this?

Owls have pretty impressive feathers, what are the ridges on their feathers called

Compared to the other owls who live around him, is Zeppelin considered large or small?

Easter screech owls are great hunters, what are some of their favorite prey? Click all that apply!

Zeppelin has feathers all over his body, even on his feet! What do these special feathers help him do? Click all that apply!


We learned a lot of great words with Zeppelin the eastern screech owl! Can you find the words listed below? Use your mouse as a highlighter by clicking and dragging it across the word!
