Zoo School Live – Episode 8



Learn about Oliver the Velveteen Lop rabbit from our amazing educators Marisa and Holly as we continue our Zoo School Live! And don't forget to visit the zoo's Facebook page every weekday at 11am for another great educational video with an interactive Q&A!


When Oliver is out exploring his environment, he uses his nose to smell, and his whiskers to...

Oliver's floppy ears are not only cute, but also very useful! For what do Rabbits like Oliver mainly use their ears?

It can be a scary world for rabbits like Oliver! Can you name some of a rabbit's predators? Click all that apply!

A "defense mechanism" is a way an animal can protect itself from predators. What is Oliver's main defense mechanism?

Oliver is a type of animal who only eats plants. What are these types of animals called?

Oliver has big long teeth! What are some of his favorite snacks? Click all that apply


We learned a lot of great words with Oliver the Velveteen Lop rabbit! Can you find the words listed below? Use your mouse as a highlighter by clicking and dragging it across the word!
