Summer Camp: Ages 3-5

Ages 3-5

August 12-16: Digging for Dinos

Find out where these dinosaurs lived, what they ate, and how they survived millions of years ago. Campers will get the opportunity to make dinosaur crafts, participate in hands-on activities, and even meet the closest living relative to the T-rex! This week includes activities, games, and up close animal meet and greets.

August 26-30: Junior Naturalist

Does your camper enjoy digging up worms, watching birds, or playing outside? Train your naturalist skills this week as campers will explore the natural world through nature play and observation. Prepare to get down and dirty, this camp is very hands-on with animal experiences, outdoor interactive activities, and fun crafts to take home.

August 19-23: Scales and Tales

This week we will explore the different animals that live in fairytales and books. Discover new mystical animals everyday and read a story that goes along with them! Campers will create their own zoo animals, meet ambassador animals up close, and develop their vocabulary by listening to mystical stories each day.

$275 / Member Child per week | $300 / Non-Member Child per week

Early drop off / late pick up is not available for 3-5 year old camp.

*camper must be potty trained to attend camp

For more information on camps, contact the Education Department at 610.277.3825 x234 or email