Zoo School Live – Episode 6



Learn about Brie the striped skunk from our amazing educator Elisa as we continue our Zoo School Live! And don't forget to visit the zoo's Facebook page every weekday at 11am for another great educational video with an interactive Q&A!


Roads are very dangerous places, but especially so for Brie. Why are skunks so at risk of getting hit by cars?

Skunks eat all sorts of things! What kinds of food do skunks eat? Click all that apply!

Brie has long sharp claws. What do skunks mainly use their claws for?

Skunks are best known for their special defense mechanism. What do skunks do to fend off predators?

In addition to spraying, skunks have some other ways of scaring off predators. Can you name a few? Click all that apply!

Skunks sleep during the day and are awake at night. What is this kind of behavior called?


We learned a lot of great words with Brie the striped skunk! Can you find the words listed below? Use your mouse as a highlighter by clicking and dragging it across the word!
