Zoo School Live – Episode 9



Learn about Monty the ball python from our amazing educators Marisa and Holly as we continue our Zoo School Live! And don't forget to visit the zoo's Facebook page every weekday at 11am for another great educational video with an interactive Q&A!



Monty is a python which is a type of snake! Is Monty warm or cold blooded?

Cold-blooded animals can't regulate their own body temperatures. What does this mean?

Even though they're hard to see, snakes still have nostrils! For what does a snake mainly use its nostrils?

Monty is a type of animal that only eats meat! What are these kinds of animals called?

What are some of Monty's favorite foods? Click all that apply!

Monty has a very special sixth sense! What special ability does Monty have?


We learned a lot of great words with Monty the ball python! Can you find the words listed below? Use your mouse as a highlighter by clicking and dragging it across the word!
